Here is the next play-along, Streets of Laredo, also known as "The Cowboys Lament". The song is about a dying cowboy giving advice to a living one.
6 6 -5 5 -5
As I walked out
6 -5 5 -4 4 -3 3
in the streets of La-re-do,
3 4 4 -4 5 -5 5 -4 4 -4
As I walked out in La-re-do one day,
6 6 -5 5 -5 6
I spied a young cow-boy
-5 5 -4 4 -3 3
wrapped up in white lin-en,
3 4 4 4 -4 5
Wrapped up in white lin-en
-5 5 -3 -4 4
As cold as the clay.
This tab was posted by davydee0. Many others can be found at Here are a couple of videos of the song to help you out.